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Image by Anton Maksimov juvnsky


Committed to quality research, education, training, consultancy, and contract R&D.

Please browse our site to get a better idea of who we are and what we do.


Our studies include: conceptualization, formulation / manufacturing, physicochemical characterization using state-of-the-art techniques, Regulatory & Quality analysis, computational modelling, in vivo, ex vivo, and in vitro assesment, and Clinical implementation.

The research in our Lab consist by a highly qualified research team and cutting-edge technologies.


Examples of current hot-topic research themes / projects, can be found below.


We provide consultancy and training services for industry, academics and scholars.


Our research Lab leads and promotes innovative Additive Manufacturing (e.g., 3D Printing, 4D Printing, Bioprinting) applications towards the development of personalized, sustainable, safer, and more effective drug delivery systems, implants and medical devices. 


Our lab offers honest, impartial advice & best-in-class solutions. Interested in our services?

Image by Noble Mitchell


State-of-the-art facility

The Lab hosts a variety of 3D Printers and Bioprinters, including Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Bioprinters (e.g., inkjet, micro extrusion, DLP), Photopolymerization Printers (e.g., SLA, DLP, UV LCD), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Liquid Deposition Molding, Pellet, Laser, and Food printers among other types. Including in-house prepared Bio-inks & drug-loaded filaments (using single or twin-screw extruders).

Our Lab, has been recognised by Expertscape as world leaders in 3D Printing / Bioprinting.

PubMed-based algorithms (Dec 2024) placed us in the top 0.01% of scholars in the world writing about Printing over the past 10 years.

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Cardiovascular diseases constitute a number of conditions which are the leading cause of death globally. To combat these diseases and improve the quality and duration of life, several cardiac implants can be developed by 3D Printing & Bioprinting, including stents, arterial regeneration, bioresorbable vascular scaffolds, and cardiac patches.


Examples of Lab Press Mentions in Additive Manufacturing

Image by Tetiana Bykovets

First of its kind 3D printed cacao-based health supplement helps boost immune system

Science and Technology


Public engagement is an important and essential activity for our lab members. Sharing our research work with the public who fund it and the wider world is a crucial part of our mission.

The research group, is very active and participating in a variety of public engagement opportunities, such as School Visits, Café Scientifique, Pint of Science, Science Festivals, Researcher in Residence Programme, University Open Days, and by organising fundraising events, public lectures and workshops.

Image by Kelly Sikkema


Our Research Lab is consistently publishing in high quality top quartile internationally recognised journals including the Mater. Sci. Eng. C Mater. Biol. Appl. (IF: 8.457), ACS Appl. Mater Interf. (IF 9.441), Acta Biomaterialia (IF 10.633), Chem (IF 25.832) and Nature Nanotechnology (IF 40.523).

Selected publications from our Lab in 3D Printing, 4D Printing, and Bioprinting:


Books edited by our Lab in 3D Printing, Bioprinting, and 4D Printing!


3D Printing of Pharmaceuticals and Drug Delivery Devices

The book addresses the current areas of research in bioprinting and 3D printing of drug delivery systems, focusing on the advantages and future directions in the use of Additive Manufacturing in the pharmaceutical industry.


3D & 4D Printing Methods for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Personalised Drug Delivery: Opportunities & Challenges.

The book is covering the basics behind each additive manufacturing (AM) method, current applications in pharmaceutics for each 3DP method, and case studies (examples) from a teaching perspective, targeting undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) students.

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3D Printing of Pharmaceutical and Drug Delivery Devices: Progress from Bench to Bedside

The book offers a comprehensive overview of 3D printing technology and its pharmaceutical applications. It introduces readers to a world in which bespoke drug delivery systems developed for specific users or conditions is rapidly becoming a reality.


Fundamentals and Future Trends of 3D Printing in Drug Delivery

This book provides an in-depth discussion on key factors affecting the printing process such as different printer technologies, materials selection, resolutions, temperatures and speeds.

Image by Michael Dziedzic


We are grateful to our generous sponsors!

The major aim of our lab is to develop innovative 3D Printing, 4D Printing, and Bioprinting approaches for a variety of applications as well as training next generation's talented students and postdocs.

One of the most direct ways of contributing to these causes is by donating towards a research aim or sponsoring any of our group members directly. If you would like to donate to our research, please contact us for further information.


Lamprou Lab, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom

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